$7 Million for Taylor Swift

Advertising Behemoth - The Super Bowl

Congratulations - The Chiefs won and I’ve become just another writer to abuse Swift’s larger-than-life brand to draw you into this issue.

Now that I’ve debased myself, let’s get into what’s truly important - the Big Business of Super Bowl LVIII

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Over 1000 private jets flew to Las Vegas this weekend, shattering a record previously set by the Las Vegas Grand Prix in November 2023 (927 private flights).

On 1 of those private flights was Taylor Swift, who’s relationship with Travis Kelce drew a different demographic than what the event is used to - young women.

It should thus serve as no surprise that health & beauty brands like Dove and L’Oreal which disproportionately target young women were more than happy to fork over $7 million for a 30 second advertisement slot which the Super Bowl demanded.

The $7 million fee equals a record the Super Bowl set last year as brands get more and more desperate to advertise at larger events.

Why is that?

Well advertisement has seen a huge wave of fragmentation.

Nobody watches television anymore (thanks Netflix) and smaller brands have been more than happy to pursue different channels for targeted advertisements (example : newsletters like mine!)

But that doesn’t help the biggest brands in the world. Dove and L’Oreal are uninterested in sponsoring audiences of ~10.5k people like mine.

They need huge numbers.

So they’ve been looking towards award shows and live sports events.

The former however is far from its peak right now, with The Emmys recently witnessing a record low viewership of just 4.3 million viewers, continuing the long-term diminishing trend for award shows.

This puts a Super Bowl advertisement slot at a premium - over 115 million people saw last year’s Super Bowl and Swift’s audience will add a sizeable boost to that this year.

So what can normal folks like you or I learn from this? Well not much besides the fact that if you can get 100 million eyes on something, marketers all over the world will worship you.

Throw Taylor Swift into the mix? Well you might genuinely meet the Gods.