Exposing Yourself

The Build-in-Public movement

If you’re constantly on X like me and interested in business news, you’ve probably seen the phrase “Build in Public”.

What does that actually mean and how are teenagers making thousands of dollars a month from it?

I’ll break it down in this letter.

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The phrase seems to have originated from KP on X and his Build In Public Podcast

“Build in Public” has been the term coined for working on a business, side-hustle or even a job but posting about it on social media.

This creates a flywheel effect where you gain followers by documenting your experiences in building your business, you funnel that audience to become customers in your business and this entire process just gives you more stuff to document.

The Public Lab use this flowchart to explain the Build in Public process

If you haven’t had the experience of building an independent stream of income, you might be thinking “Why is that so ground-breaking?”

As anybody who has built their own business will tell you, sales is the hardest part of it all.

A business is just sales.

Think about it, if you can get someone to pay you for something and you do it over and over again, that’s a business.

To increase revenue, a business can only do 2 things:

  • Acquire more customers

  • Upsell your existing customers

The Build-in-Public blueprint supercharges this process by turning normal administration or back-end tasks or information into content which helps you to bring in more customers.

Gone are the days of endless cold calling, cold DMs or spending away your profit margin on paid ads.

“Build an audience, then sell them something”

That’s the mantra of the Build-in-Public movement.

If you are a student or a 9-5er, this letter might not have clicked for you, if you have built an independent stream of income, you understand the power of this concept.

And if a nerd about this kind of information and metrics, you might enjoy this video, that’s all from me.