My Most Important Letter Yet

This is big

Once in a while, I write a newsletter about my own newsletter.

Specifically, how I’ve grown this newsletter from 0 - literally not existing to now over 11,000 subscribers and $750-$1000/month.

I started making videos going more in-depth about how I did it and the response was quite a bit more than I imagined.

People started messaging me elsewhere too - X, LinkedIn and even Instagram.

I’m trying to help them as much as I can.

But while I was doing that, I was spending all of my free time building a place specifically designed for them.

A way that I could take them from nothing to having their own newsletter with 1000s of subscribers and making $500/month in as little time as possible.

A way for my entire audience to replicate my results without any prior knowledge.

A way for the smallest writers to get paid for their work while they continued to grow.

A way that newsletter creators could collaborate with each other to piggyback off of each others’ success.

To do all of this, while investing as little as possible.

I believe I’ve created it.

It’s only going to get better (and more expensive with time).

Lock in your spot (and price) today.

More info below