having money thrown at you

mastering the digital economy before 30

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Before we get into this issue about increasing your luck surface area in the digital economy, make sure you check out today’s sponsor - Bay Area Times!

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Imagine waking up every morning to find your inbox filled with lucrative opportunities and investment offers.

This reality isn’t just restricted to 50 year olds who have been grinding their careers for 3 decades.

This is possible for even tiny creators with hundreds of followers if their community is strong and their offers are done right. This is only possible if you master the digital economy.

What if you could earn so much money by 30 that you never have to worry about money again? Spoilers, you will still have problems, they just won’t be money problems anymore.

The traditional path to wealth—saving, investing, and waiting for decades—is no longer viable. The old generation became rich through methods that are ineffective today.

They invested in physical real estate, stocks, and traditional businesses. They saved diligently, worked 9-to-5 jobs, and hoped for promotions. But in today's fast-paced digital world, these methods are outdated and slow.

Not to mention, home prices are so high that many millennials and Gen Z’ers are realizing that they may never get to own a house. If the main methodology that previous generations used to become wealthy is no longer available, why are you still navigating reality with the frameworks that those generations instilled in you?

The older (and richer) generation sets the paradigm for the rest of the population. Parents and teachers teach kids what they believe to be true, regardless of the differences in the economic landscape of today and 30-50 years ago.

This is why most people still believe that slaving away at a job for decades, saving and investing every penny that you can and trying to climb the property ladder is the most efficient path to wealth creation.

The next statement I say will trigger a lot of people. I want you to realise that this emotional reaction that you have is a sign of your fixed beliefs in your mind being challenged.

16-25 year old creators who understand the digital economy are going to make millions of dollars on the Internet while working no more than 4 hours per day while most of the population continues to slave away at their job, at the mercy of their boss, government and central banks.

Don’t believe me? In that case, I suppose you also don’t believe that it is possible to get hired at a remote job, 2 months after starting to learn the skill that lands you that job? How about getting 5 figure buyout offers for work that took you less than a month?

Spoiler : I have seen both of these things happen to me or my friends in the past WEEK.

The Digital Economy

So if home ownership or saving every penny to invest in the stock market isn’t the way to go, then what is?

Digital real estate is the new gold rush. Platforms like YouTube, Instagram, TikTok, and blogs are the new lands to stake your claim.

While investing in stocks or physical property might have taken decades to show substantial returns, digital real estate can yield quick and massive returns if you know how to play the game.

If you can build an audience online, you are GUARANTEED to earn an income off of it. Worst case scenario, you can sell ads and sponsorship slots.

Notice how our worst case scenario is still extremely lucrative?

The Misconception of Retirement

For most of human history, retirement wasn’t even a concept. You pretty much worked until the day you died or became physically unable to.

Even more recently, retirement has only been restricted to a small set of 60+ year olds after having slaved away for decades.

That no longer has to be the case. We are living in times of unprecedented abundance. There are more opportunities out there than you’ll ever need. You just have to become one of the people worthy of those.

Retirement shouldn't be something you think about at 60. By then, you should be enjoying the fruits of your labour, not worrying about your financial stability.

The digital economy offers the chance to amass wealth quickly and effectively, ensuring that by 30, you have more than enough money to live comfortably and pursue your passions. (I’d argue it’s possible even earlier but if that pushes the limits of your mind too far then we can stick to 30 for now)

Increasing Your Luck Surface Area

How do you get the types of opportunities thrown at you that I described above? You increase your luck surface area by posting online.

Luck isn't just about random chance, the more people that are aware of what you do, the more that they would be likely to approach you when they need a problem solved in your domain of expertise.

This means putting yourself in positions where luck is more likely to find you. Create content, build your brand, and network digitally. The more visible you are, the more opportunities will come your way.

The Power of Content Creation

Anybody can be a content creator. Whether you have 500 followers or 500,000, there's a way to monetize your audience.

Rule of thumb: one follower should equate to $1 per month with the right offer. By creating valuable content and engaging with your audience, you build trust and open doors to multiple revenue streams.

Exposure and Networking

Exposure and networking are no longer confined to physical events. You can connect with a venture capitalist in California (happened to me this week) or a startup founder in Berlin from anywhere in the world.

The digital landscape has broken down geographical barriers, and those who exploit this opportunity are the ones who get ahead.

NEEL Framework

To exploit the full benefits and thrive in the digital economy, follow the NEEL framework—Networking, Exposure, Earnings, Liberty.

  1. Networking: Build a network of like-minded individuals and professionals. Engage in online communities, attend virtual events, and collaborate on projects.

    • Action Step: Join five online communities related to your niche. Participate actively by commenting, sharing, and creating content.

  2. Exposure: Increase your online presence. Create valuable content consistently, engage with your audience, and leverage social media platforms to their full potential.

    • Action Step: Commit to posting high-quality content at least three times a week on your chosen platform.

  3. Earnings: Monetize your skills and audience. Offer products, services, or courses. Use affiliate marketing, sponsorships, and direct sales to generate income.

    • Action Step: Identify one monetization strategy and implement it within the next month. Track your earnings and adjust as necessary.

  4. Liberty: Achieve financial freedom and autonomy. With a steady stream of income from your digital ventures, you can choose how to spend your time and resources.

    • Action Step: Set a financial and lifestyle goal for the next year. Not just money but how many hours you want to work, where you want to work from, who you want to work with. Plan the steps you need to take to achieve this goal and review your progress monthly.

People do not have an abundance of opportunities, which creates a scarcity mindset. This mindset hinders their ability to think creatively and 10x their results. When you’re worried about survival, creativity takes a back seat.

Cultivate your own community, become a figurehead in your niches, and GET APPROACHED by people to solve problems in your domain of expertise. Increase your luck surface area and be guaranteed a certain set of opportunities allowing you breathing room. With your survival secured, you can now think creatively to level up in life.


Objection: This isn't replicable; it's only possible for a certain section of people online with big communities.

Rebuttal: Everybody can be a creator. Even people with 500 followers on Twitter (X) are making thousands of dollars per month. It's about providing value and engaging with your audience.

Personal Experience

Since I started writing online, I have been offered investment opportunities, buyout offers, interviews with important people, and most importantly, have created an audience and income online which will make sure that I never HAVE to get a job (unless I want to).

A friend of mine recently got hired by leveraging his skills and creating a landing page (your digital resume) showing his past work. When he asked for a review of his landing page from someone he looked up to online, the guy ended up hiring my friend! This is how people are gaining previously untapped opportunities through the digital economy.


In the new digital economy, getting money thrown at you isn't just a possibility—it's a reality for those who understand how to leverage the tools and opportunities available.

By rejecting outdated methods of wealth accumulation and embracing digital real estate, you can achieve financial freedom well before traditional retirement age. Increase your luck surface area by creating content, networking, and staying visible. The opportunities are endless; you just need to seize them.

Follow the NEEL framework and start your journey to financial independence today.

Start your digital journey now! Join The Premium Circle which is our community of creators, get access to exclusive content, and learn how to leverage digital real estate to achieve financial freedom.

I am currently creating a mini-course on writing and building a second brain for members of The Premium Circle which will later become a full-fledged course (at a higher price), don’t miss out!

PS - I will be back to posting Youtube videos regularly again very soon. I continue to get messages from people who really found value in my videos so hopefully you will like what I have coming up next!