Networking is Dead

Well... Not quite


You hate opening it, you hate scrolling it, you hate commenting “Interested” or “Insightful post!” to the most mind numbing and obviously ChatGPT written post.

If you are a person with any influence and status, you hate opening your messages on this wretched app and receiving a million mass - messages asking for a job, referral or your help for zero gain of your own.

Even if you wanted to help, there’s so many people asking for your time and attention, so which ones truly deserve it?

Let’s back it up a little bit, why are we all on LinkedIn anyway?

It’s to get that elusive “connection” that might just change the trajectory of our careers, to find that one person on the same path as you and you guys decide to team up and start a business together!

Has that actually happened to any of you?

Most job postings on such platforms are either fake or just a re-route to a company’s ‘Careers’ page anyway.

Most “Informational posts” are the most obvious advice, regurgitated motivational quotes anyway.

So why are we all doing this? It’s because platforms like LinkedIn are a necessary evil.

Where else are we supposed to meet like minded people discussing important topics?

Everyone on Instagram is busy sending Reels back and forth, everyone on Twitter is busy watching Trump’s latest comment on something which has nothing to do with our lives.

So what’s the solution? Or have I just brought your mood down for no reason?

There’s 2 solutions I have for you:

First is the boring one : Moderation in all things.

Yes, you can come across a job posting that you wouldn’t have thought of applying to if you hadn’t been scrolling LinkedIn.

Yes, you could luck out and find the ideal candidate for your job posting in your LinkedIn DMs.

Yes, you could actually come across a post that teaches you something about history, politics or business. (They won’t be better than me though, don’t worry)

But don’t drive yourself insane scrolling forever in search of that one piece of knowledge, that one job posting or that one connection which could change your life.

The non-boring solution?

I started my newsletter just over a month ago, it has since become one of the fastest growing newsletters on Substack, growing from 0 to 1000 subscribers within 30 days.

I have made genuine connections with experts in personal finance, consultancy, history, politics and even career counselling.

Every issue I release nowadays, I get about a dozen replies asking for follow-ups and “Where can I learn more”s.

I feel a little bit guilty, I’ve made more tangible, rewarding connections and learnt more about the world in the past month than I’ve ever had on LinkedIn.

That platform failed you, it even failed me.

So I’ve developed a private networking group called The Void with experts in finance, politics, history and business. We will be delivering weekly masterclasses by subject matter experts where you get to PERSONALLY ask your questions to them and connect you to a personal group with these experts so you can actually talk and make connections.

“I am a consultant at X company and while delivering to this specific client we ran into this problem”

Ask YOUR questions, get personalized answers.

So if you enjoy my newsletters, want to learn more about your topics of interest or just want to escape LinkedIn hell, I’ll see you inside.