The One-Person Business Model

Working less for the sake of rest and recovery leads to higher-quality work.

Earning more is subjective, but I believe anyone can earn more than enough to do whatever they want.

Life enjoyment is usually the by-product of both. With enough free time, capital, and a business network you can do almost anything you want in this life.

“As with everything, it’s useful in moderation.”

As Watts would say.

I’m here to talk about just that.



A business model that allows you to create your ideal lifestyle through practice, experimentation, and iteration.

A way to make a creative income source with skills, interests, and people you align with.

A new path that is here to stay, but is still seen as “taboo” because people are so tied to their beliefs and comfortable ways of living.

Thanks to the internet, clash of ideas, and solutions that have been built over the years — anyone can increase their value through self-education, turn themselves into a brand, and have opportunities coming to them.

Ask your parents if they could build a website, upload a product, and accept payment with $10-$20 and some self-education.

Seriously, go ask them. Then tell me why you still hold the belief that you need X, Y, and Z to start a business. Those aren’t excuses anymore.

Do you perceive this as an opportunity or “just something that people more successful than me do”?

To top it off, you can start right now.

Not in 1 year when your skills are perfect.

Right now.

If you are reading this letter, I’m assuming you are 18-35 years old (with some outliers, I see you ;))

Meaning, you have 18-35+ years of unique experience.

The problem?

You do not see the value in that experience. You think your life is boring… or at least too boring to be able to profit off of being yourself. Which is funny, because there are hundreds of thousands of people that would love to hear why you do what you do, they won’t think it’s boring.

From my experience, the highest-paid individuals are not the ones that bank on their body or flashy lifestyle to earn an income.

People of depth and value are the ones that get paid the most. They aren’t one-dimensional. They train their mind just as much as their body. They are the generalists that hire the specialists — and the specialists, 90% of the time, are going to be the robots that were designed to take on repetitive tasks. Automations, no-code tools, and software that weren’t a thing 10 years ago.

A human being should be able to change a diaper, plan an invasion, butcher a hog, conn a ship, design a building, write a sonnet, balance accounts, build a wall, set a bone, comfort the dying, take orders, give orders, cooperate, act alone, solve equations, analyze a new problem, pitch manure, program a computer, cook a tasty meal, fight efficiently, die gallantly. Specialization is for insects. —Robert A. Heinlein

Teb's LabSoftware news and education

Even more of a problem (than not seeing in the value in your personal experience):

You don’t know how to communicate your experiences in a way that people can find the value in.

That’s all anyone is doing on social media.

Effective communication.

Some are more fake than others, but that’s their problem. Not yours or mine.

It’s not about being interesting, it’s about learning what makes your words interesting to the other person.

The one person business, in my eyes, is for those that value self-reliance, time freedom, and location freedom.

We use:

  • Social media for building leverage, attracting like-minds, and building a name for ourself (if you want to fast-track this process, click here)

  • No-code tools and software for digital real estate, product hosting, and email lists (that can’t be taken away like social media)

  • Lifestyle design to create a work schedule that best suits the individual – usually 2-4 hours of work a day at the start, sometimes more if you get into the flow

It is an incredible time to be alive.

The internet has given everyone the ability to become an entrepreneur, choose their working hours, and earn an income based around their obsessions.

No two people are going to be obsessed with the same crevice of reality. And as you evolve and experience more, no two people are going to be obsessed with the crevice of reality that they gained awareness of (through action and doing).

There is no saturation… when done correctly.

The one-person business model is the best option for 95% of people, especially if you are just starting out. Every single billion-dollar founder started their entrepreneurial journey with 2 things – an idea and themselves. They didn’t just start with a billion-dollar company, but we tend to believe what we see and limit our mind from diving beyond the surface.

Why do people fail with their one-person business?

There are quite a few reasons:

  • You don’t believe it is possible or that you don’t have enough experience

  • You don’t realize that every aspect of your business is a skill that needs to be improved (you will suck at the beginning)

  • You don’t listen to feedback or understand how to pivot how you talk about things (if your knowledge isn’t interesting, you have to make it interesting by learning how to think)

  • You lose momentum because you try to overcomplicate your message to seem unique, intelligent, and over the top

The list goes on. The lesson is that you must value self-reliance. You have to take matters into your own hands and understand that nobody is going to give you a paycheck every Friday. You must learn to hunt.

I’ll discuss the 4 pillars required to do this in tomorrow’s letter.