Schools destroy entrepreneurs
jumping through hoops doesn't create value
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Mirador is a mobile app for entrepreneurs to find their next successful business. We track fast-growing emerging industries and explain the gaps in the market. We find product/market fit for you. You can access hundreds of vetted business ideas, under-the-radar trends and curated business news you need to know. All our content is written by experimented analysts and curated by makers and entrepreneurs.
The schooling system destroys entrepreneurs.
Think back to what school taught you.
You might think of math, science, etc. which is all true.
But what about the habits it instilled in you? Study just to get marks. Forget everything you “learnt” a month after the exam. Copy your homework from your friends.
When you really boil it down, what school really taught us all was to jump through hoops to get a reward, very similar to training a rat to go in a certain direction by zapping it.
If you jump through enough hoops, you might land at a decent job. Jump through enough hoops at the job and you might climb the corporate ladder (and this is the ideal scenario).
However, if you feel as though you’re meant for more though, you might just be a creative.
You need to pursue entrepreneurial endeavours and perform the modern version of hunting for your survival.
To do so, you need to create value. At the end of the day, that’s all entrepreneurship is - creating a bunch of value and charging people for it.
Value - the end all, be all
The education system teaches us to do a lot but falls incredibly short when it comes to instilling the “entrepreneurial spirit” in children.
We are never taught about the alchemy of value - why it matters and how to create it.
Put simply, value is something that helps people achieve a goal/result while reducing their time or effort required.
If you can figure out how to do that and get people to pay for it? You’ve got a business.
As a beginner, do not try to create a billion dollar company or raise money through VCs.
That’s advanced level stuff and chances are that if you’re reading this, your skillset is not at the level which will allow you to pull all of that off.
If you try to perform tasks far beyond your current skill level, you’ll drown in overwhelm and go back to a 9-5 job and be told what to do for the rest of your life.
On the other hand, do something way too easy and low level for your current skill level and you’ll end up bored.
The key is to match your current skill level to your current challenge.
If you’ve never earned $1 online, focus on getting that, not your first $1000.
If you’ve consistently had months earning $1000+ online, you need to create something that gets you to $5k and beyond (where I’m at currently).
Continue to scale your business challenges to your advancing skill level. This is the key to avoiding boredom and overwhelm and enjoying your journey towards greater business success.
This is how you actually learn. Through projects (which turn into products) of your own, not through getting trapped in tutorial hell or reading theory for the rest of your life.
The Importance of a Project
To do the above, it is imperative that you have a project of your own.
You can’t learn without having something to build.
Everything you consume from now onwards is going to be tinted with the lens of your project. You’re going to see opportunities that you wouldn’t notice before.
It’s like when you’re considering buying a specific car and once you decide that, all you can seem to notice on the road is that specific model. The truth is, those cars were always there but you’re only noticing them now because you have a reason to.
Start a project, then learn. Don’t get it confused.
The New Schools
With that, let’s come to the importance of documenting your progress.
If schools destroy entrepreneurs, the Internet creates them.
The Internet has created millions of new “schools” that you can follow in the form of creators who teach different things.
Learn enough from them and you can create a school of your own.
To do that though, you have to start documenting EVERYTHING on the Internet. Your progress, your struggles, your achievements and your failures.
Leave nothing out. Let your authenticity differentiate you from the mass of AI bots on any platform nowadays.
Your authenticity will attract an audience which is interested in the same things as you are, they’ll act as your friends, your social validation and if you provide enough value, your customers.
AI, nanotech and technology in general is creating a world where humans automate unpleasant tasks and entrepreneurs will be in greater demand than ever with a greater toolkit than ever. Don’t fall behind, act on what you’ve read today.