slow burn

the benefits of having a range of projects

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This is what ultimately matters : where you end up ; not the speed at which you get there, or the number of people you impress with your jittery busyness along the way

Cal Newport

You might have heard of Cal Newport. He wrote the book “Deep Work” which became a #1 international bestseller and sold over a million copies.

He’s a pretty smart guy.

He recently published a book called slow productivity which is extremely important for creatives but also for the general discourse around productivity and burnout today.

But before we get into it, let me briefly mention what prompted me to write about this particular topic this week.

Having just gone through a week of intense productivity (finished coding my first trading algorithm, will write about it soon), I realised that most people don't get to feel the satisfaction that comes with pulling 16 hour days for 3-4 days straight and the bliss and clarity of mind that comes with the (ideally long) period of rest that proceeds it.

In the whirlwind of modern productivity, we often lose sight of a fundamental truth: meaningful work and creativity thrive in the slow burn. The idea of the "slow burn" involves a deliberate, paced approach to our life's work, allowing for rest and creativity to flourish. It's a concept that stands in stark contrast to the relentless hustle culture, advocating for a wider range of projects that foster well-roundedness and holistic growth.

The Slow Burn: Rest, Creativity, and Your Life's Work

The slow burn is about more than just taking your time; it's about creating a sustainable rhythm for your work and life. This approach acknowledges that true creativity and significant accomplishments cannot be rushed. They require periods of intense focus followed by rest and recovery.

Think about the masterpieces in art, literature, and science. Who cares how long it took if the result was monumental?

The slow burn allows you to delve deeply into your projects, giving you the space to explore and innovate without the pressure of immediate results. This approach aligns with the natural ebb and flow of human productivity, where periods of high output are balanced with necessary downtime.

The Benefits of a Wide Range of Projects

Having a diverse portfolio of projects can be incredibly beneficial. Working on various projects simultaneously prevents tunnel vision and promotes a holistic worldview. It allows you to see connections between different topics and develop transferrable skills. This well-roundedness not only enhances your creativity but also makes you more adaptable and resilient.

If you are familiar with my writing, you know how much I emphasize being a generalist, having a wide range of projects is one of the steps that one can take towards that ideal.

(BTW, if you want to know more about becoming a generalist, you can check out my recent video on this topic below)

In a world that increasingly values specialization, maintaining a broad range of interests can set you apart. It allows you to bring unique perspectives to your work, making your contributions more innovative and impactful. Moreover, engaging in different projects can keep your mind fresh and prevent burnout by providing variety and novelty.

The Freedom to Explore

True freedom comes from the ability to do whatever you want. In school, subjects and domains are clearly defined, but the real world makes no such distinctions.

It's crucial to explore every crevice of your interests, no matter how unconventional they may seem. If you're fascinated by the idea of synthetically creating tornados in Antarctica, pursue that curiosity.

Don't let societal norms or those who aren't free stifle your passion.

This exploration is more relevant than ever in times of extreme abundance.

The concept of "lifestyle entrepreneurship" isn't just a trend; it's the culmination of a long evolution towards finding the perfect balance between work and rest, poverty and prosperity. It reflects a shift towards a more fulfilling and sustainable way of living.

The Benefits of Sabbaticals

Taking regular breaks or sabbaticals is a crucial part of the slow burn. These periods of rest can rejuvenate your mind and body, sparking new ideas and perspectives.

Studies have shown that sabbaticals can significantly improve productivity, creativity, and overall well-being. They allow you to step back, reflect, and return to your work with renewed energy and focus.

The Nature of Productivity

In the world of entrepreneurship and creative work, there are periods where nothing seems to happen and then moments when everything happens at once.

This is the true nature of survival and creativity. Trying to force constant productivity can stifle creativity and lead to burnout. Instead, embracing the natural rhythms of work and rest can lead to more sustainable and fulfilling output.

Addressing Burnout

Burnout is a significant issue in today's fast-paced work culture. Many people still adhere to industrial-era working patterns, such as 80-hour work weeks and rigid schedules.

These outdated practices can lead to exhaustion and a decrease in both productivity and creativity. Adopting a slow burn approach can help you find motivation for your craft again, avoiding burnout and achieving higher levels of productivity.

Awareness and Individual Action

One of the biggest challenges in solving this problem is awareness. Many people aren't even aware that they are burned out or that there is a better way to work.

Only when they experience a lifestyle that allows for more flexibility and creativity do they realize the potential improvements. Even then, many don't delve deeper into how much higher their true output could be if they redefined their work patterns.

It's also important to recognize that while organizational change is crucial, individuals can take steps to improve their work-life balance. Gaining remote skills, creating additional income sources, and becoming an entrepreneur are all ways to achieve more flexibility and freedom in your work.

A Framework for Sustainable Productivity

Here’s a step-by-step solution to integrate the slow burn and a wide range of projects into your life:

  1. Work Like a Lion: Engage in long sprints of intense productivity. Focus deeply on your work for short periods, then take a break.

  2. Embrace Long Periods of Rest: After intense work, allow yourself ample time to rest and recharge. This is when creativity and new ideas will flourish.

  3. Diversify Your Projects: Work on a range of projects at different stages. This will keep you engaged and help you see connections between different areas.

  4. Pursue Your Interests: Don’t limit yourself to traditional domains. Explore all your interests, no matter how unconventional they may be.

  5. Take Sabbaticals: Regularly take extended breaks from your work to gain new perspectives and rejuvenate your mind.

By adopting this framework, you can achieve a balance that fosters creativity, avoids burnout, and leads to higher levels of productivity and fulfilment.

In conclusion, the slow burn and a diverse range of projects are not just ways to work but pathways to a more fulfilling and sustainable life. Embrace the journey, take your time, and explore every interest you have. This approach will not only enhance your work but also enrich your life in ways you never imagined.

Shorter issue this week as I am working on a writing and digital entrepreneurship course for you all 🙂 but again, if you want more from me, check out my recent video, put a lot of effort into it!