Wage Slavery

It's Real

I freed a thousand slaves; I could have freed a thousand more if only they knew they were slaves

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If I put you in a cage, would you be aware?

If I took your ambition, drive and potential away, would you notice?

What if I convinced you that this is exactly what you wanted in the first place?

Almost everybody reading this is in some form of wage slavery.

Unless you work on exactly what you want, when you want and how you want, you’re a wage slave.

Yes, this also applies to business owners who work extraordinary long hours.

It applies to everybody who’s not working on things which raise the collective consciousness.

First, you need to ponder on the consequences of your work.

Do you work for Coca Cola and are involved in poisoning children with sugar and corn syrup?

Do you work for Nestle - a corporation which literally used (and probably still uses) slaves for cocoa harvesting?

Do you work for Apple - a corporation who’s manufacturer uses child labour laws or which creates an ecosystem so closed off that only they can ever profit off of their technological advances?

And you wonder where all the humanity and goodness of spirit has gone?

When you really get down to it, unless you work on something you directly know raises the collective consciousness, you are responsible for cheating the next generation off a better future.

“But Sujal, aren’t the CEOs and founders of these companies responsible for their impact? I just work in middle management!”

Do you understand what you just did?

You averted responsibility by claiming that the consequences of your work is not on you.

You know who that statement also applies to?


Don’t be one.